From manager to director: taking the step up

Are you considering taking the next step into a director position? Graham Wilson, Leadership Wizard and Founder and CEO of Successfactory, shares his thoughts on what makes a great director, the skills required to succeed, how to know if you are ready to take the leap, and steps to take to progress.

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3 months ago

​What makes a great director? How do you know if you’re ready to take that next step up in your career? How important are qualifications at that level? These are just some of the questions we asked Graham Wilson, Leadership Wizard and Founder and CEO of Successfactory.  

Watch the short video interview or read the full interview below: 

Q: What makes a great director?

A: When it comes to leadership, the only thing we can control is our behavior. The rest of it is about other people deciding whether they want to follow. Going from a manager to a director, you’ve still got to be an authentic person. You should strive to be who you are, and the more you are really yourself, the more people will trust you. The more people trust you, the more likely they are to follow you.

You've got to have the capability to create a high-performance environment where success is inevitable. I think quite often we're very good at setting goals and giving direction, but we then don't spend enough time to actually remove the barriers that can stop you from being successful. You've also got to get comfortable, particularly in today's world, with the volatility of the marketplace. You’ve got to be comfortable with ambiguity and leading without knowing all the answers.

Additionally, you can’t be a successful director without a great team around you, so your ability to build teams is fundamental. When someone says to me:‘Is that person a great director?’, I say:‘Well, let me have a look at the team around them’. Being a good director means almost making yourself redundant, because you want the team to be delivering on the business, which will give you time to do the strategic thinking.

Finding the balance between strategy and culture is also key. You can have a great culture, but with a poor strategy, you'll fail. And if you have a great strategy with a poor culture, you'll also fail, so seek out both.

Ultimately, if you can build a high-performance environment, remove the barriers, you're authentic, can inspire action, can communicate with meaning, are good at storytelling, can unleash innovation in the organisation, then you’re in a great position. A great director drives the business forward with empathy, courage, and care, and realizes that at the end of the day, it's all about people.

Q: Are there different skill sets needed for being a manager and a director?

A: Skill sets are important and mindset is also really important. From a management point of view, you're more focused on the here and now, and the status quo, and making sure the business is efficient and effective, making sure that people are aligned behind the strategy, and actually driving the business forward.

As a director, you’ve still got to do the same sort of role, but it requires a slightly different skill set and a lot more strategic thinking. What I find with a lot of managers in the first stage of moving into that role, is they find that it’s a big step as they’ve got to get comfortable with the fact that they’re paid to think, they’re paid to look at a strategic level, not just an operational point of view.

Also, it's a different type of power. When you're a manager leading your team, you have a certain amount of positional power, whereas when you're a director working in a large organisation, you're often working across different functions and you're having to look at a holistic view of the business, so you also have to start to influence in a different way. Therefore, building your influencing and networking skills is really important. I think you should always have a relationship with every person in the business, plus all your key customers.

In summary, there are some subtle differences, but from a management point of view, I would say it's more about the ‘what’ and the ‘how’. Whereas at leadership and director levels, it’s more about the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ from a cultural point of view.

Q: Does being a good manager mean someone will naturally be a good director?

A: I think you are going to get a lot of people who are more naturally gifted to think in a strategic way and are big-picture thinkers. But I'm not a big fan of the idea that you're born to be a great leader or born to be a great director. I think it requires hard work.

If you don't change the way you operate, focus on developing your skills, and start to think about things differently, then you will probably fail.

Sometimes what can happen is people go to a leadership meeting and represent their part of the business, whereas they should be thinking and talking at a more strategic level across the whole organisation. I think you've got to be able to be comfortable with that and be able to make that shift. If you don't, then you might have been an amazing manager, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll make a great director.

Q: How will someone know if they are ready for the next step up to director?

A: One of the key things that is important in a corporate organization is you cannot be promoted unless you've got a great team around you. Because if you take yourself away, then there might be an impact on performance. I think one way to look at it is if you can say: ‘I've developed my team, my team is a high performance, I have a successor in place who can take over my role, I'm prepared to develop and grow and shift my thinking into a more strategic role’, then you’re likely ready.

And having that flexibility of mind to know and recognize that it's not just a promotion and doing the same as what you would do now on a bigger scale; it's a different context. I think you’re ready when you're willing to adopt a new style, a new approach while still being authentic, you're really good at strategic thinking, you understand what strategy really is in today's world, and understand that it's a learning process, and how to be able to communicate with meaning.

A good manager will do everything technically correctly hit every KPI and get good results, whereas a great director will do all of that through their team but will also be able to give meaning to the strategy.

So, ultimately, I think a great indicator is when you're comfortable storytelling, you're comfortable presenting, you're feeling comfortable with ambiguity, you're comfortable without knowing all the answers, you're great at facilitating groups, and you feel comfortable moving out of your subject matter expertise area and thinking more holistically around the business, both internally and externally, in the short term and long term.

Q: What steps should someone take if they want to progress to director?

A: You've got to understand your rationale, your reason why you want to become a director. I think we can sometimes fall into the trap of it being money orientated and not recognising that it is a different role that requires a different level of resilience. You’re accountable for a bigger part of the business, so you've got to be comfortable with that. So certainly, building your resilience would be really important, and you want to start doing that now.

Being able to cope with pressure and perform in mission-critical situations is key, and develop what I call ‘the six pillars of resilience’, which is really understanding your purpose and what you really want out of life, what commitment you're prepared to give, how you want to live your life, and would a director position give you that.

The second thing is, how much energy and vitality do you have? Do you sleep well? Eat well? Do you practice mindfulness? Are you exercising and fit enough to be able to take on a more strategic role?

Also, you want to start building your support network now. You want to have good relationships across the business, make sure that you are persistent and can manage from an emotional intelligence point of view, and also start to develop conversational and storytelling skills.

I would suggest that you start that journey now. Get yourself a good coach, a good mentor, and start to think about what makes a great director. Who are some of the directors that you admire both inside your own organisation, and in other organizations as well?

The starting point has to be, ‘What's my reason why?’ then work backward from what great looks like and think ‘What am I going to work on that's going to help me to move into that director role’, and make sure you get the right support to make that happen.

Q: How relevant are qualifications, or are soft skills more important at that level?

A: Bit of both, really. In terms of leadership, you are measured on your results, so it's not just what you know, it's more about what you do with what you know. I think what academic qualifications do, is give you some rigour in thinking, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to be successful. One of the things you ought to be thinking about as a director is, ‘What is it I need to do and be to be successful now and in the future?’

A challenge with a lot of qualifications is that they are often backward-looking. They’re research-based and based on what people did in the past. You've got to be really careful about which qualifications you go for. I think some people tend to just grab the MBA badge or whatever qualification it is, but for me, it's more about how you apply that knowledge.

You want to be thinking,‘How do I learn and grow and develop a great way of operating so that I build that credibility and deliver results?’I wouldn't discourage anyone in completing a qualification if that's something that you feel would benefit you, but I think the key really is about developing your softer skills such as your influencing skills, your persuasion skills, and negotiating skills.

One of the things we teach on our programmes is helping leaders to develop an authentic leadership brand. Look at your self-awareness and who you are, build on your strengths and create a leadership brand. If you can do that, that will certainly outweigh the qualifications.

Q: What's the one piece of advice you would give to someone who is looking to progress into a director position?

A: Be you. Be really comfortable with who you are.

Don't fall into the trap of trying to copy someone who you admire and someone who has been successful in the business, because they've been successful in the past and what you've got to do is carve out your own way of doing it. I think that's probably my top tip - be authentic, be real, be courageous and confident enough to be able to bring your real self to work, because the more real you are, the more influencing power you have. Which means that people are more likely to trust you and are more likely to follow you and do great things.

If you are looking to take that next step in your career or looking for a talented professional to join your business, get in touch with one of our specialist consultants today.

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Alex Partridge, Founder of UNILAD and LADbible, on ADHD at work
5 mins read
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Alex Partridge, Founder of UNILAD and LADbible, on ADHD at work

​​When Alex was diagnosed with ADHD at 34, it was a moment that put the rest of his life – and career – in context. In our webinar, Alex reflected on that career, the challenges he faced, and how simple accommodations in the workplace can make a massive difference.

“I got diagnosed with ADHD about a year and a half ago at age 34,” Alex said, explaining how the condition impacted his entrepreneurial journey without him fully realising it.

“Looking back now, through the lens of ADHD, I can see why a lot of my early businesses failed.”

He recounted a story from his university days when he impulsively started a late-night pizza delivery service: “A week later, my interest in the idea evaporated and disappeared. That was one of 10 or 15 businesses that I started and subsequently abandoned before landing on the ones that did sustain my interest.”

This impulsivity and rollercoaster of interest are common traits of ADHD. It’s a condition that’s misunderstood by many, and Alex is on a mission to change that perception -especially in the workplace.

The challenges of ADHD in the workplace

One of the key issues Alex emphasised as part of the webinar with Reed was the disconnect between traditional office environments and the way ADHD brains function.

“When you're forced into an office that's not suited to your brain, it can lead to overstimulation and almost a shutdown,” he said.

“I remember working in a marketing agency in a busy office. The noise, the ping pong table, the constant chatter - it completely paralysed my ability to work. Yet, when I asked to work in a quieter space and be judged on my outcomes rather than my processes, my productivity skyrocketed.

“In just six weeks, I grew the company’s social media following from zero to eight million.”

This experience highlights how simple accommodations, such as offering quiet spaces or allowing flexibility in how tasks are completed, can transform an employee’s productivity.

Common misconceptions about ADHD

One of the biggest obstacles for neurodivergent individuals in the workplace is the stigma attached to ADHD.

Alex said many people still have outdated views: “A common misconception is that ADHD means you’re physically hyperactive and constantly moving around the office. But for many people, particularly women, ADHD is internalised - it's a racing mind rather than fidgety behaviour.”

He added that employers often assume people with ADHD can’t focus, which couldn’t be further from the truth: “People with ADHD don’t have a deficit of attention - they have an abundance of it.

“When we’re interested in something, we can laser in and focus better than most. The challenge is accommodating for those things that capture our attention.”

Another myth Alex addressed is that people with ADHD can’t handle leadership roles.

He said: “In reality, people with ADHD can thrive in leadership positions. The fast pace, high pressure, and need for constant novelty are perfect for us.”

Accommodations that make a difference

So, what can employers do to help their ADHD employees thrive?

“The most important thing employers can do is show they understand,” Alex said. “Create a safe space where employees feel comfortable asking for help without fear of discrimination.

“Something as simple as putting a policy notice on your website or bringing in neurodivergent speakers can make a huge difference.”

On a practical level, Alex suggested allowing flexibility in how and when work is completed.

“Not everyone works well in a nine-to-five structure,” he said, “some people might do 40 hours of work in just four hours if you let them work on their terms. Judge employees by their outcomes, not their processes.”

Other accommodations Alex suggested included offering quiet spaces, providing written instructions rather than verbal ones, and breaking down large projects into smaller tasks with mini-deadlines: “For people with ADHD, having smaller, achievable goals can reduce overwhelm and improve task initiation.

He also encouraged the use of tools like noise-cancelling headphones and fidget toys in the office.

“I always have a thumb stone with me when I’m working, it helps channel some of the physical hyperactivity,” he added. “Normalising these tools can help employees manage their ADHD in a productive way.”

Recognising the signs of ADHD in your employees

Alex said managers who are unsure of how to spot employees who might be struggling with ADHD should look out for signs of anxiety or be aware if someone is withdrawing from meetings or experiences sudden changes in their behaviour.

Employers who suspect someone has ADHD or another neurodivergent condition should approach the situation with care.

“Send a private email or have a private conversation,” Alex said. “Ask if there’s anything you can do to help and work with the employee to create a plan moving forward.

“It’s important to have regular check-ins to ensure that the support remains consistent and effective.”

A call for more awareness and action

Alex’s message is clear: accommodating neurodiverse employees isn’t just the right thing to do - it’s smart business.

“People with ADHD bring incredible creativity, problem-solving skills, and entrepreneurial thinking to the table. With just a few adjustments, they can be a massive asset to any company.”

Alex Partridge, Founder of UNILAD and LADbible

For employers, creating an inclusive environment where neurodivergent employees can succeed is not just about ticking boxes, it’s about recognising and celebrating different ways of thinking.

As Alex said: “The best ideas often come from the quietest minds in the room. You just need to give them the space and time to be heard.”

Through his podcast, ADHD Chatter, Alex continues to raise awareness, share stories, and advocate for change in how society and workplaces understand ADHD.

This article highlights only a small number of recommendations from Alex. If you didn’t get a chance to watch our fireside chat with him, you can watch the recording of the event below:

Three tips for finding a job you’ll love
2 mins read

Three tips for finding a job you’ll love

Take a moment to picture your ideal career…Is it the job you’re in now or were you just daydreaming about greener pastures in another role or company? If it’s the latter, don’t worry. We’ve all been there. 

Maybe you’re worried that you don’t have the right skills or experience to get the job you really want, or maybe you’re not even sure about what you want to be doing but you know it’s not this. 

Whatever the reason, we’re here to help. Here are just three tips from the Life's Work course hosted by Reed's Chairman and CEO, James Reed, which could help you find a job you’ll love (and Love Mondays). 

Know what you want (what you really, really want)

It may seem obvious, but having a solid idea of what you want out of your career is the first step to getting there. 

It starts with understanding what your values, goals and strengths, and then using that knowledge to reflect on what careers you’ll really find fulfilling. What are your key skills and weaknesses? What tasks do you excel at (or dread doing)? And where do you really see yourself in the future?

Armed with these answers, you’ll feel more confident that your next career move is the right, because it matches not just what you want out of your job, but out of your life too.

Do your research

One of the most challenging parts of changing jobs or careers is making sure you land in a sector that isn’t in decline. That means digging into current in-demand and stable sectors, such as AI or education, to see where your skills might fit.

It’s also a good idea to look into the companies you’re interested in to see if your values align and if they’re financially stable. You won’t want to jump ship only to find yourself in a company you don’t like – or worse, that could lead to your job being at risk a few months down the line. 

Get networking

Or, as James Reed CBE puts it in his book, Life’s Work,– go to parties. 

The truth is the word ‘networking’ has become synonymous with things like sweaty palms at awkward social events and DMs from strangers on LinkedIn. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

When you strip it down to its essentials, networking is really about connecting with people who can help you (and vice versa). It could mean going for coffee with a friend to pick their brains about a sector you’re interested in it could mean attending an event and just getting to know people, and yes, it could mean messaging semi-strangers on LinkedIn – which can actually be really effective if approached in the right way and remember to personalize your message. 

While this list is by no means exhaustive, it’s a great starting point for exploring what you want to do next. 

Are you looking to take the next step in your career? Search and apply for jobs in Switzerland now.

Who to promote: a guide for employers and managers
4 mins read

Who to promote: a guide for employers and managers

​How does your business decide who to promote? Is career progression embedded within the workplace culture or is it done in line with employee tenure?

The process of promotion should consider merit, potential, and alignment with organizational values. Meritocracy should be the cornerstone of any promotion strategy, rooted in a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's performance, skills, and contributions to the business. Tangible achievements such as key performance indicators, project outcomes, and leadership abilities, should guide this assessment.

However, merit alone does not paint the full picture. It’s important to identify individuals with the capacity to grow, adapt, and innovate and those who demonstrate a hunger for learning, a willingness to take on new challenges, and a track record of exceeding expectations. Investing in the development of high-potential individuals is key to futureproofing your business.

Promote those who show enthusiasm and excellence

Promoting individuals who embody the core values and culture of your business reinforces a sense of purpose and belonging among employees. Beyond technical skills and performance metrics, assess candidates' alignment with your company's mission, vision, and ethics. It’s usually easy to spot those who both excel in their roles and show enthusiasm for the ethos of the business – these professionals are more likely to drive positive change and inspire their colleagues.

There have been many conversations about extroverts and introverts in the workplace and the traits typical of both – some of which can sway employers to promote one group over another. Personality testing at the hiring stage or as part of professional development, can help identify individuals with the potential to go further within the business, but they can also lead to bias, so should be balanced with traditional interviews and employee performance.

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) should also be central considerations when promoting. Ensure opportunities are accessible to individuals from all backgrounds, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, or socio-economic status. Actively seek out diverse talent, create inclusive promotion criteria, and address systemic barriers that may impede the advancement of underrepresented groups.

Jobseekers actively look for employers that can evidence their commitment to D&I, so it pays to promote this on all channels, including in your job adverts. Lip service is not enough – professionals will not stay long in an environment they perceive as old-fashioned and out of touch. Embracing diversity strengthens your talent pool and builds on your reputation as a progressive and inclusive employer.

Employees should have a clear understanding of the criteria, process, and timeline for promotion. Provide regular feedback on their performance and development areas, empowering them to actively pursue growth opportunities. Also, establish mechanisms for staff to raise concerns or grievances related to the promotion process.

Deciding who to promote

Look for those who demonstrate both competence and potential for leadership and growth. Here are some key attributes to consider:

Job performance

Consistent achievement of goals and targets - high-quality work output, ability to meet deadlines, and manage workload effectively.

Leadership skills

Demonstrated ability to motivate and inspire others - effective communication skills, both verbal and written, capacity to delegate tasks and empower team members.

Problem-solving abilities

Aptitude for critical thinking and analytical reasoning - proven track record of resolving complex issues, willingness to take initiative and propose innovative solutions.


Ability to thrive in changing environments - flexibility to adjust strategies and tactics as needed, openness to feedback and willingness to learn new skills.

Emotional intelligence

Empathy towards colleagues and clients - skill in managing interpersonal relationships, self-awareness, and ability to regulate emotions.

Strategic thinking

Understanding of the broader organizational goals and objectives - the capacity to develop long-term plans and strategies, skill in prioritizing tasks, and allocating resources effectively.

Team collaboration

Track record of working well within a team - ability to foster a positive and inclusive work environment, willingness to support colleagues and share knowledge.

Continuous learning

Commitment to personal and professional development - eagerness to seek out new challenges and opportunities for growth, willingness to invest time and effort in acquiring new skills.

Ethical conduct

Integrity in decision-making and actions - respect for company values and ethical standards, accountability for own behavior and its impact on others.

Industry knowledge

Understanding of the sector in which the business operates - awareness of industry trends and developments, ability to apply industry knowledge to drive business success.

Final thoughts

Promotion creates opportunities for leaders to strengthen their business and should therefore be seen as an investment. No one should ever feel pressured to take on the greater responsibility that comes with promotion, but providing avenues for those who want the challenge is a win-win situation.

If you are looking for new talent for your teams, or considering your next career move, get in touch with one of our specialist consultants today.